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Bekova Dariga Abrahmankyzy
Bekova Dariga Abrahmankyzy
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY May 8, 1973 in the village of Karakemer, Zhambyl district, Zhambyl region. 1980, she went to secondary school No. 14 in Zhambyl, from which she graduated in 1990. In the same year, in 1990, she entered the Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Almaty.In 1994, the Institute was transformed into the Kazakh State University of World Languages. In 1995, she graduated from the university, speciality «English and Kazakh language» teacherб Kazakh State University of World Languages.. 1995 -1998 English teacher at the gymnasium school No. 3 in Ayaguz, Semipalatinsk region. 1998-2001 English teacher at secondary school No. 26. 2001-2002 English teacher at Lyceum No. 90. 2002- 2016, assistant, teacher, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Kazakh National Technical University 20016 -2017 a teacher at the Linguistics Center of Нархоз University. 2017 -2018 a senior lecturer at the Department of "History of Kazakhstan" of the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University. 2018-2020 a senior lecturer of the Department of "Foreign and Kazakh languages" Turan University . Since September 2020 up to at the Department of Practical English of the Institute of Multilingual Education of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.(senior lecturer, undergraduate). Published more than 15 articles, 1-methodical complex.
TAUGHT SUBJECTS Bachelor : foreign language, advanced foreign language Undergraduate: Foreign language (professional)
SCIENTIFIC WORK Синергетическая метафора в педагогической практике https://official.satbayev.university/ru/research/vestnik-satbayev-university/publications№ 2,КазНИТУ,Алматы 2016г. , мәдениетаралық қатынас теориясы мен практикасы салаларындағы ғылыми мәселелер бойынша 10-нан астам мақала жариялады, оның ішінде: 3мақала Шет тілін оқытуда жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды қолдану ерекшелітері Университет Туран, Алматы РИНЦ Development of cross-cultural competence as a factor of cultural-linguistic personality formation International scientific journal 30.03.2016. Philadelphia USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2016.03.35.25 Communicative - Activity Approach in Learning Foreign Language European Researcher,2015.Москва. http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2015.90.48 Peculiarities of language personality formation in the process of intercultural communication Trends in the development of modern linguistics in the age of globalization: materials of the V international scientific conference on October 17-18, 2019. - Prague с.96-99
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