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Nametkulova Farida Zhanuzakovna



Born in the Bayzak district of the Zhambyl region. After graduating from the secondary school. G. Muratbayeva in Zhambyl studied at the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov with a degree in Physics.

I have experience of working at a school, at the Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers and universities, experience as a methodologist of a methodological office, as well as experience as an expert in evaluating advanced training coaches and teachers.

In 2011 received the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in the specialty 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy.

Since September 2021 I have been working at the department "Methods of teaching mathematics, physics and informatics"

I combine research and teaching activities.



Educational institution


Year of ending

Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov (now KazNU named after Al-Farabi)

Physics teacher


National Academy and Education named after I. Altynsarin





Name of academic degree

Scientific area

Diploma issue date

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences





Undergraduate: Methods of teaching physics - in 2 languages. Methods for solving problems of increased difficulty. School experiment technique

Master`s degree: Selected questions of general physics. Methodology for conducting a physical experiment in universities. Methodology for the formation of fundamental concepts in solving physical problems. Methodical foundations of physical education in higher and secondary schools.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - research topics, number of publications 

Works on the problems of teaching and learning physics at school and pedagogical university.

Problems of teaching physics in the preparation of bachelors in the technical direction (co-authored with R. Zh. Nametkulova, A. K. Kadirimbetova); Features of preparation of tasks for differentiated teaching of physics // "Actual problems of teaching mathematics and physics at school and university in the conditions of updated content of education" International scientific-practical conference 25-26 November 2021. - Almaty. On the resolution of a class of nonlinear integral equations (co-authored with R. Zh. Nametkulova, A. K. Kadirimbetova) // The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) VOL 3, No 68 (68) (2021). Features of formative assessment (in co-authorship with M. Usenova) // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference "Education: Research and Sustainable Development", October 22-23, 2015. - Astana. Features of the organization of control during level courses (in co-authorship with M. Usenova) // Proceedings of the II International Conference "Educational Innovations: Search and Solutions", November 20, 2015. - Astana



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