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   Главная / Kozhasheva Gulnar Onalbaevna

Kozhasheva Gulnar Onalbaevna



I am born in 1955 in Alma-Ata. After graduating from Kegen Secondary School in 1972, she entered the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kirov Kazakh State University and in 1977 successfully graduated from this educational institution. In the direction of the Ministry of Education, she came to the Taldykorgan Pedagogical Institute and began her career as an assistant at the Department of "Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Geometry". She was a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, academic professor of the Department "Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics" of I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University. In 2003, she defended her PhD. In 2009, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Pedagogy. From 2006 to 2016 she was the head of the department, and from 2016 to 2023 - associate professor. Since September 1, 2023, I have been working as an associate professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of Abai KazNPU.



Educational institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov

Mathematician, mathematics teacher



  КаzPI named after Abai

Graduate student




Named of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma  

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.02-Theory and methodology of education and training (mathematics in primary, secondary and higher education system)




Bachelor`s degree: Elementary Mathematics, elementary mathematics (geometry ), modern mathematics lesson, structure and content of the school mathematics course, workshop for solving mathematical problems.

In the magistracy: theoretical foundations of research work on the methodology of teaching mathematics, theoretical foundations of scientific research work on the methodology of teaching mathematics.



The research topic is "Improving the training of future mathematics teachers".

2020-2021, he was the head of the scientific project "Formation of professional competencies of students in the School-College-University system in accordance with international standards through the organization of networking and the use of remote technologies" within the framework of grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

I am the author of more than 140 scientific articles, 3 monographs, 11 electronic textbooks, 25 textbooks used in the educational process and the owner of 15 copyright certificates.

Scientific articles:

- S.Ignatjeva, Y.Gavrilova, Kozhasheva G. and other. Comparative analyses of inclusive education in latvia, Russia  and kazakhstan. 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Dates: 11th-13th March, 2019   Location: Valencia, SPAIN

- Кожашева Г.О.,Слямжанова С.С., Шагизада И. Peculiarities of modeling of economic problems. Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №1(74), 2019, 273-276 стр

- Кожашева Г.О., Жиембаев Ж., Гаврилова Е. О профессиональной направленности   подготовки будущих учителей в современных условиях. Наука и жизнь Казахстана, № 10, 2019;

-  Кожашева Г.О.,  Хуанған Р. «Білім беру мазмұнын жаңарту аясындағы критериалды бағалау - математикалық сауаттылықты арттырудың басты факторы», Наука и жизнь Казахстана, № 5/3 , 2020,  155-159 бет;

- Онгарбаева А., Кожашева Г.О. и др. Methodology of preparing future computer science teachers to create electronic educational resources, World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues Volume 13, Issue 3, (2021) 386-396


Training manuals:

- Г.О.Кожашева, Г.Ш.Өкпебаева. Жоғары математиканың есептері мен жаттығулары.- - The textbook marked with the stamp of the educational and methodological association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the field of personnel training "061 Information and communication technologies", Талдықорған: ЖМУ баспасы, 2019.- 257 б.

- Kozhasheva G., Gavrilova Ye., S.Ignatjeva. Elements of higher mathematics (үш тілде).- The textbook marked with the stamp of the educational and methodical association of the Republican educational and methodical Council in the direction of education "Pedagogical sciences", Алматы, ИП «Беккожанова А.Г.», 2020ж. 10 б.т.

- Кожашева Г.О., Омаров Ж.А. «Сандар теориясының есептері мен жаттығулары»- Алматы, ИП «Беккожанова А.Г.», 2020ж. 10,5 б.т.

- Кожашева Г.О., Мальтекбасов М.Ж., Байдильдинов Т.Ж. и др. Сетевое взаимодействие и использование дистанционных технологий в системе профессионально-педагогического образования Талдыкорган, Типография „Офсет", 2020, 6,5 б.т.

-Кожашева Г.О., Омаров Ж.А. «Жоғары алгебраның есептері мен жаттығулары», Талдыкорган, ЖУ  Имиджік саясат орталығы, 2021, 10,5 б.т.



Breast badge «Қазақстан Республикасының ғылымын дамытуға сіңірген еңбегі үшін»  (2012)

 Jubilee Medal «Қазақстан конституциясына 20  жыл» (2015)  

Breast badge «Ы.Алтынсарин» (2016)

Breast badge «І.Жансүгіров»  (2021) 

Breast badge «Ерен еңбегі үшін»  (2022)  

Winner of the title "Best Teacher of Higher Education" in 2019

Since 2012, he has been an honorary citizen of Kerbulak District of Almaty region.




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