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Berikbolova Aizada Zhanbotaqyzy
Berikbolova Aizada Zhanbotaqyzy
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Berikbolova Aizada Zhanbotakyzy, was born on April 30, 1995 in the East Kazakhstan region, Semey. In 2002-2011, she studied at the G. Mustafin Secondary School in Zaisan, East Kazakhstan region. 2013 - graduate of secondary school No. 29 S. Kokkainar of the Ili district of the Alma-Tin region. In 2013, she won a grant from the rector of the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University named after Ybray Altynsarin. In the same year, she entered the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University with 114 points on the Unified National Testing, becoming the owner of a state grant in the specialty "History". In 2017-2019, she studied at the magistracy of the Almaty University of Humanities and Economics. 2019 - academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology". In 2017-2022 she worked as a teacher of the history of Kazakhstan, world history at the republican educational center "Aiplus". Over 6 years, more than 1800 graduates have been prepared for the Unified National Testing. Author of online lessons on the history of Kazakhstan, screenwriter.
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