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Akylbekova Turar
Akylbekova Turar
Autobiography Akylbekova Turar Nauryzbayevna was born in 1983 in Ushtobe, Karatal district, Almaty region.
ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s degree: "General Chemistry"; "Bioorganic chemistry". Master`s degree: "Modern organic chemistry"; "Applied organic chemistry".
SCIENTIFIC WORKS More than 50 scientific articles have been published in domestic and foreign publications, including 2 articles in journals with an impact factor:: 1. Z Tukenova, M Mustafayev, M Alimzhanova, T Akylbekova, K Ashimuly Influence of pesticides on the biological activity of light chestnut soils in South-East Kazakhstan // Journal of Water and Land Development 48 2. Z Tukenova, T Akylbekova, M Alimzhanova, K Ashimuly, A Saparov Environmental assessment of the impact of technogenic factors on the soil mesofauna of the South-East of Kazakhstan and development bioindicative and indicative factors //ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 (22), 2706-2712
AWARDS 1. Jubilee medal in honor of the 90th anniversary of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2023
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