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Akhmetzhanov Dastan Galymzhanovich


BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY (no more than 150)

Akhmetzhanov Dastan Galymzhanovich was born on April 7, 1985 in the city of Ayagoz, East Kazakhstan region. In 1991-1997 he graduated from secondary school No. 1 of the city of Ayagoz, in 1997-2002 he graduated from the Kazakh lyceum of the city of Ayagoz.

2002-2006 Graduated from the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Historian.

He began his career in April 2006 as a history teacher at school-gymnasium No. 139 named after A. Baitursynov, Auezov district of Almaty.

2007-2014 worked as deputy director for educational work at the Turksib district school-gymnasium No. 59 in Almaty.

2014-2016 worked as a teacher at the preparatory faculty of KazNU. al-Farabi.

2016-2018 he served as deputy director of the Al-Farabi College for educational work.

2018-2020 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology of Kazakh National University. al-Farabi.

2020-2022 worked as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science named after al-Farabi at the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies.

2022-2024 worked as a teacher at the college of KazNU named after. al-Farabi.

Akhmetzhanov D.G. In his teaching activities, he proved himself to be a qualified and responsible specialist. Actively participates in the life of the university and faculty.

Pedagogical education - 18 years.



Образовательное учреждение


Дата окончания

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Bachelor`s degree


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master`s degree


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctoral studies




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Diploma issue date

Master of Arts in Humanities





DISCIPLINES TAUGHT (list by level of training)

1) Ұлы Жібек Жолы өркениетінің ірі ошақтары арасындағы өзара мәдени алмасулар / Printing house, Journal «Адам әлемі», Philosophy series. - № 3 (81). - Almaty: 2019. 129-138 стр. Akhmetzhanov D.G., Alimzhanova A.Sh., Maldybek A.Zh., Gabitov T.Kh.

2) Ұлы Жібек жолы мәдениеттерінің өзара әсері / Printing house, Journal «Вестник КазНУ», Philosophy series. - № 3 (68). - Almaty: 2019. 120-128 стр. Akhmetzhanov D.G., Alimzhanova A.Sh.

3) Great Silk Road: civilizations and cultural relations / Printing house, Journal «Philosophy and life». - № 4 (7) Tashkent: 2019. 52-62 стр. Akhmetzhanov D.G., Alimzhanova A.Sh.

4) The Great Silk Road: Tengrian symbols and cultural relations / VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Тенгрианство и эпическое наследие народов Евразии: истоки и современность», 21-22 қыркүйек, 2019, 45-50 стр. Akhmetzhanov D.G.

5) Ұлы Жібек жолы: мәдениеттердің өзара байланысы / «Қазақстан халқының мәдени құндылықтары: әлемдік тәжірибе мен заманауи үрдістер контекстінде сақтау және дамыту» Международная научно-практическая конференция, 29.11.2023, Almaty, 587-592 стр. Akhmetzhanov D.G.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant ones)

"Қазақстан тарихы пәнін оқыту: әдістемелік нұсқаулық" ISBN 978-601-04-1049-7. "Қазақ университеті", Almaty-2015г. Begalieva A.K., Akhmetzhanov D.G.


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