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Nurekeshova Gulsim Rakhmetbekovna
Nurekeshova Gulsim Rakhmetbekovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Nurekeshova Gulsim Rakhmetbekovna was born on September 15, 1971 in the city of Aralsk, Kyzylorda oblast. Nationality: Kazakh. In 1978 she went to the 1st grade of Kazakh secondary school No.15 in the Aral region and graduated in 1988. In 1988, she entered Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after N.V.Gogol, the Faculty of Philology, majoring in Foreign Language: two foreign languages. She began her career in September 1993 as an English teacher at school-gymnasium No.3 in the city of Kyzylorda. Since September 1995, she was hired as a teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Agricultural Engineering and Technical Institute named after Yu.Zhakhaev. In 2006, by decision of the competition commission, she was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages. Since January 2004, she has been approved as a research fellow at KazNU al-rabi. On March 5, 2009 at the Dissertation Council of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, under the guidance of Z.N.Seitzhanov, she defended her thesis in specialty 10.01.02 and received the academic title of Candidate of Philological Sciences. Since 2009, she has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, a candidate of philological sciences at Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. In 2010-2012 senior lecturer at the department of Romance-Germanic languages, candidate of philological sciences. Since 2012, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, Candidate of Philological Sciences. In February 2014, by decision of the competition commission, she was awarded the title of acting associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation. Since January 2017 she has been the head of the structure of pre-university education. In 2018-2020, she held the position of head of the department of "Practical English". On September 1, 2020, she began working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Almaty Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Since December 25, 2021, he has been acting associate professor, Ph.D. Department of Foreign Languages of the Almaty Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT 1. Current problems of personal and professionally oriented foreign education; 2. Forms and methods of organizing educational forms in a higher educational institution; 3. Active grammar; 4. Inclusive education; 5. Literature of England and America; 6. Foreign language (professional); 7. Professionally oriented foreign language; 8. Practicing phonics; 9. Foreign language (advanced); 10. Business English; 11. Regional studies: 12. Methodology of dissertation research; 13. Intercultural communication and linguoculturology in teaching foreign languages; 14. Educational technologies in language teaching; 15. History of language (main foreign language: English) ; 16. Practice of oral and written speech.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Teaching methods in small-sized classes // Journal "Khabarshy" of Kokshetau state university by Sh.Ualikhanov: №1, 2019, electronic collection, Volume I, Kokshetau, p.p. 125-129. 2. Teaching methods in small-sized classes // Journal "Khabarshy" of Kokshetau state university by Sh.Ualikhanov: №1, 2019, electronic collection, Volume I, Kokshetau, p.p.469-473. 3. Ағылшын-қазақ-қытай көркем шығармаларындағы мифологиялық бейнелердің ұлттық-мәдени қолданыс аясы // Journal "Khabarshy" of Kokshetau state university by Sh.Ualikhanov: №1, September 2019, electronic collection, Volume I, Kokshetau, p.p. 221-225 4.Ағылшын-қазақ-қытай шығармаларындағы мифологиялық бейнелердің ұлттық сипаты // Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті «Хабаршы» журналы, 2019 жыл №3 (113) шілде-тамыз-қыркүйек, 62-70б.б.б. 5. Диалогтық оқытудың маңыздылығы мен ерекшеліктері // Абай ат.ҚазҰПУ Педагогика және психология ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал Алматы, маусым, 2(47) 2021, 169-176 б.б. 6. Scopus Q2 / percentile 56 Preparing future primary school teachers for trilingual teaching with Clil technology / World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues Volume 13, Issue 4, (2021) 617- 634 б.б. Қыдырбаева Г., Стамбекова А., Уразгалиева С., Матжанова Г. авторлық бірлестікте https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.un-pub.eu/ojs/index.php/wjet/article/download/6314/8061&hl=ru&sa=X&d=11133587824679455364&ei=wbCPYYPvGMySy9YPisSgsAg&scisig=AAGBfm0i7MSw1V9ouiLc3Ugu3HQ1qDer9A&oi=scholaralrt&hist=XTT_XKcAAAAJ:10777307142987161494:AAGBfm2yxg_rrZhZTfEqty1vqRyD3NxVmA&html=&folt=rel&fols=
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research themes, number of publications (indicate 5 significants) 1. Тhe importance of profile-oriented teaching of secondary school pupils // Topical areas of fundamental and applied research XX 27-28август 2019, North Charlston, USA, p.67-69. 2. The role of animated films in the education of children and the specificity of their translation // L International correspondence scientific and practical conference «European research: innovation in science, education and technology» March 25-26, 2019 London, United Kingdom, p.p.13-15. 3. Мектеп оқушыларына ұйымдастырылатын тілдік үйірмелердің басым бағыттары // V Международная научно-практическая конференция «Европа и тюркский мир: наука, техника и технологии» в Анкаре (Турция) 6-8 мая 2020 г. 4. Жалпы орта мектептердегі тілдік үйірмелерде ізденімпаздыққа бағыттайтын шығармашылық қабілеттердің ағылшын тілін үйренудегі тиімділігі // II Международная научно-практическая конференция «Управление инновационными процессами в условиях 5. Using communicative and linguo-cognitive activities in teaching foreign languages // Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире, выпуск журнал РИНЦ IScience, 9 (77) часть №4, Сентябрь 2021 г. г.Переяслав, Украина, с.с.34-41.
AWARDS 1. Letter of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev (for the work of the public headquarters in support of N.A.Nazarbayev`s candidacy for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 2005; 2. Anniversary medal "70 years of KSU named after Korkyt Ata "for the contribution to the development of the university, 2007; 3. Anniversary medal "75 years of KSU named after Korkyt Ata ", 2012; 4. Letter of thanks for participation in the Jury of KazGUM dated March 1, 2014; 5. Letter of thanks for active work on the pages of the G-GLOBAL communication platform, April 8, 2015. 6. Anniversary medal "80 years of KSU named after Korkyt Ata ", 2017; 7. Gold medal of KSU named after Korkyt Ata, 2017; 8. Letter of thanks from the party "Nur Otan", 2017, 2019; 9. Honorary Certificate for achievements and significant contribution to the development of educational activities, socio-cultural, spiritual and social work of KSU named after Korkyt-Ata, 2020 10. Letter of thanks of "Zhetysu Daryny", Department of Education of Almaty region, Educational and methodological center for identifying and supporting gifted children and talented youth, 10.04.2021. 11. Letter of thanks of Branch of "National center for advanced training" Orleu "MES RK" Institute for advanced training of teachers in Almaty oblast", 03/15/2021. 12. Letter of thanks of "Zhetysu Daryny", Department of Education of Almaty region, Educational and methodological center for the identification and support of gifted children and talented youth, 12.11.2021. 13. Letter of thanks for active participation in the educational process and social life of the Institute of Philology, as well as for hard work in instilling spiritual values in student youth, December 2021. 14. Letter of THANKS for active participation in educational activities in the 2021-2022 academic year and contribution to the formation of students and youth, May 2022. 15. Almaty City Education Department Scientific and Methodological Center for New Technologies in Urban Education expresses gratitude for its contribution to the organization and holding of the «Almaty USTAZY» competition. Almaty, October 2023. 16. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the 25th anniversary badge to the RGPO "DARYN" for significant work in the upbringing and education of gifted children. Certificate No. 431, awarded the BADGE dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the RGPO "DARYN". Astana, August 16, 2023. 17. Almaty Education Department expresses gratitude to the Scientific and Methodological Center for New Technologies in Urban Education for its contribution to the organization and holding of the «Almaty USTAZY» competition. Almaty, October 2024. 18. Took part in the national webinar organized in connection with professional support for teachers of small integrated schools on the topic "Educational process in small integrated schools: features and opportunities", conducted with the aim of establishing partnerships with leading higher education institutions, and was awarded an HONORARY CERTIFICATE for pedagogical excellence and scientific achievements in the field of professional support for teachers. JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies", branch of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Almaty region, Almaty, No. 1816. 19. A LETTER OF GRATITUDE was presented for active participation in organizing the international forum "Navai and Abai: Continuity of Universal Values". Almaty: KazNPU named after Abai, June 27, 2024.
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