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5 January 2016 in the lecture hall №224 at the educational building № 1 held the grand opening of the national training seminar for teachers of chemistry, biology, geography, entitled "Education and training of the natural sciences in a renovation of educational content." Welcoming remarks and congratulations to the participants, made first vice-rector of the University, doctor of chemical sciences Professor Y.M.Yerrmaganbetov. Presentations were made by the head of the research laboratory of innovation concerns the republican scientific-practical center "Daryn" Zh.Zh.Zhakenova. The plan of the seminar informed the director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, candidate of chemical sciences Professor Kh.N.Zhanbekov. The conference was attended by over 60 teachers of chemistry, geography, biology of the  "Daryn"  school  of all the regions of the Republic, as well as the cities of Astana and Almaty. Republican seminar will last until January 8, 2016. 

The program of the Republican training seminar "Education and training of the natural sciences in a renovation of educational content." for teachers of the discipline "Chemistry" 

The program of the Republican training seminar "Education and training of the natural sciences in a renovation of educational content" for teachers of the discipline "Biology" 

The program of the Republican training seminar "Education and training of the natural sciences in a renovation of educational content." for teachers of the discipline "Geography"


Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography