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IQAA: Website of Abai KazNPU in the top five sites of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan


In June 2020, the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) presented a rating of websites of Kazakh universities for the current year.


According to the rating of Abai, the official website of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University took an honorable fifth place among 101 higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, in the category of educational institutions of the country - first place.


In 2018 the website of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University was included in the top ten best university websites, taking ninth place (in 2016 the website was on 26th place, in 2014 - 20th place, in 2013 - 25th place).


In the national ranking of IQAA, the results of the ranking were assessed by 9 criteria for ranking universities. Compared to the results of 2018, the site has improved indicators on the size of web pages (4.08), information content (2.13), presentation of the site in the state, Russian and English languages. Also, thanks to the strengthening of work with the media and the GOOGLE system, the number of links to the site was raised (4.43).


Congratulations to the team of Abai university with another victory. We wish you new success!



Department of Public Relations