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Consultation seminar: online and offline

On November 10 and 11, 2020 in conference hall No. 225 at Abai KazNPU, meetings were held on the following issues: Quality assurance systems (formerly QMS); On the nomenclature of affairs of institutes and departments for the 2020/2021 academic year; Consultation on the processes of the university.

The issues of the university documentation, on the organization of internal and external audit, consideration and approval of the nomenclature of affairs of institutes and departments were discussed.


Acquaintance with the audit results for the 2019/2020 academic year and the work done on non-conformities.


Those responsible for the processes answered the questions asked by the directors of institutes, deputies and heads of departments.

Offline - representatives of structural divisions took part: Zhanbayeva L.A., Saparov B.Zh., Usipov K.T., Balakhmetova G.K., Umirbekova T.A., Bayimbetova G.A., Bekbenbetova K.A., Usein G.A., Shaimova G.U., Shaizadina B.A. Online - were invited: Directors of institutes, deputy directors of institutes, heads of departments, representatives of the GCC and those responsible for the QMS!









Analysis and assessment of the quality of education department, DQADS