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Online round table «Abai and Oriental Literature»

On November 13, 2020, the Department of Oriental Philology and translation of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education organized an online round table on the theme «Abai and Oriental Literature», dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the a great poet and thinker.

Head of the Department, Professor of the University Gulsum Abdrakhmanova noted that the current year was declared the «Year of Abai» by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev. She said that this event is an important event for our Department, which was organized by the speaker of this online conference associate Professor Ruslan Arziev. The conference was attended by associate Professor Torali Kydyr, head of the Department of «Ancient literature and turkology» of the Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov, СS MES RK. In his speech, he spoke in detail about the influence of such famous figures of the East as Navoi and Fusuli on Abai`s work. During the event, the guest answered the questions of the Department`s teachers and other participants.

At the end of the online round table, the head of the Department Abdrakhmanova G. H., who thanked the associate Professor Torali Kydyr and all those present, noting that such events have always been in demand and remain important for the development of all.