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Solidarity, unity, harmony - the main wealth for the country

On May 04, 2021, at the Abai KazNPU at the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S. Kirabayev of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, a literary and musical evening dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, on the theme «Solidarity, unity, harmony - the main wealth for the country», organized by 1st year students of group 109 of the specialty «6B01701 - Kazakh language and literature», was held.

During the event, students Dinbergen Korkem, Kuralbay Aigerim, Derbisova Maira, Dyusen Dinara, Tleu Bakzhol presented literary compositions consisting of poems on the theme of the country, unity and peace. The first speaker was the Deputy Director of the Institute for Educational Work, Ph. D., Professor. Erlan Slambekuly Kasenov, explaining the importance of this day to the students, addressed the students, who were imbued with the national spirit and expressed gratitude to the group`s adviser A. Yusup, organizer of this important event. In his turn, the senior tutor, associate professor of the department E.M. Moldasanov gave comprehensive information about our multinational country, whose people have been living in peace and harmony for many centuries and value unity and friendship of all ethnic groups. He called on the young people to respect spiritual and cultural values, faithfully serve the homeland, study and work for its benefit. At the end of the evening, students Namaz Zhansaya and Syezdhan Aisulu recited poems dedicated to independent Kazakhstan.