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Visual anthropology and history of images of Kazakhstan culture

of XIX - beginning of XXI centuries: evolution and acquisition of subjectivity

On September 15, 2021, the cycle of lectures in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Visual anthropology and history of images of the Kazakhstan culture of the XIX - beginning of the XXI centuries: evolution and acquisition of subjectness» in the context of the ideas of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program, aimed at creating a tolerant, multicultural and intelligent society in Kazakhstan, was started.

The first lecture was held in honor of the Kazakhstan Day of the family in the museum of Almaty city, the theme - «Family history of the XX-th century - in visual sources». The head of the project, T.T. Dalaeva, opened the event. Students of the 2nd year of the educational program «History-Geography» attended the lecture of D. B. Asymova. In connection with the pandemic, online connection of students to the platform Zoom was also organized. So the employees of the museum-memorial complex «Algiers», employees of a museum of victims of political reprisals of Shymkent, teachers and students were connected.

During the lecture the methodological issues of visual direction were touched upon.The lecturer analyzed the family photographs of the 20th century using the micro-historical methods of social history.

The lecture will continue until October 2, 2021. The next lecture will be held on 18th of September at 16.00, lector-professor J.B. Abylhozhin, theme - «Sociocultural context of gaining of historic individuality of Kazakh society».