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A joint scientific project of Abai KazNPU and DAAD

In 2021 Abai KazNPU together with the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen and Nuremberg FAU (Germany), launched the implementation of the international project «Pedagogical professionalism and internationalization - dialogue with the post-Soviet educational space»,

The program «Dialogue with the Muslim World in Higher Education» (Dialogue with the Muslim World) about higher education and the Muslim world.
Abai KazNPU is a participant in a prestigious project based on the results of an open competition held from March 16 to April 15, 2021.

On the German side, the project is headed by Anatoly Anatolyevich Rakhkoshkin, professor, head of the Department of Pedagogy of International Studies in Education at the FAU (Germany), assisted by the young FAU scientist Maren Hanneken.

From the Kazakh side, the project is led by Ulzharkyn Abdigapbarova, Director of the Department of Science of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, assisted by Saya Baysultanova, PhD candidate of Abai KazNPU.

The main goal of the project: researching the problem of the pedagogical personality in the context of internationalization and contributing to professional and cultural dialogue with the post-Soviet Islamic world.

Scientific directions of the project:
1) pedagogical professionalism and language (s) in the context of the internationalization of education;
2) pedagogical professionalism and opposition to radical religious tendencies in the global world;
3) the possibilities of dual models of teacher education and the relationship between theory and practice in the context of internationalization and partnership with non-university organizations.

