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Courses «MS Teams platform in pedagogical activity» are held «offline» and «online»

Since October 12, 2021, the Testing Center of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University has been conducting courses «MS Teams platform in pedagogical activity» for the teaching staff in the «offline» and «online» formats, previously it was conducted remotely according to a schedule specially approved for each institute.

Any teacher indicates his free time in the form, for this free time, a course schedule is compiled for teaching the teaching staff offline.

The main purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills of the teaching staff to use the MS Teams platform in order to organize the educational process in a high-quality way.

Course programme
1. Installing and getting to know the Microsoft Teams interface.
2. Creating and configuring teams (virtual classes) in Teams.
3. Joining Teams.
4. Working with external users (guests).
5. Meeting Settings and Features.
6. Planning meetings (classes, educational events, consultations).
7. Roles in teams, working with channels.
8. Collaboration in Microsoft Teams.
9. Organization of communication in Microsoft Teams.
10. Organization of reflection and creation of surveys.
11. Creating, assigning and checking tasks in Teams.
12. Digital Footprint analysis in MS Teams.
13. Downloading the Meeting attendance list.
14. Rating log.
15. Digital activity Analysis.
16. Insights Tool.

Link to the form:

Link to the course schedule: