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A memorandum of cooperation was signed

On November 8, 2021, Rector of Abai KazNPU, Darkhan Bilyalov and Head of Education Department of Almaty, Lyazzat Zhylkybayeva, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.


The purpose of the Memorandum is to help university students to develop professional skills, organize internships and graduate employment, implementation of priorities aimed at creating an intellectual elite through effective cooperation in youth policy, implementation of joint cultural and educational programs and projects, professional development of teachers of universities and secondary schools.


Within the memorandum it is provided scientific and analytical and expert support of forming civil consciousness of oncoming generation and scientific-methodical provision of improving structure and content of general and supplementary education, joint organization of targeted socially significant projects and events, preparation and implementation of joint innovative projects aimed at improving activity of sides, exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as information of mutual interest in the sphere of education, sciences.


Darkhan Bilalov underlined that Abai University, as the flagship of pedagogical education in the country, aims at interacting with schools. According to the rector, the range of cooperation is very wide.

«We have department offices in nine schools of the city, our teachers hold forums and seminars every year, and this work will definitely continue. Over the past two years, our teachers have produced more than 800 textbooks for schools. Teacher training is carried out in an innovative way, using elements of dual education, which involves continuous practice in the fourth year. We have a number of ideas for educational development and pedagogical support, bringing together educational organisations. I hope that our mutually beneficial co-operation will continue in this direction», he said.


Lyazzat Zhylkybayeva, head of the Almaty Department of Education, said the parties will expand dual practice, noting the need for specialists in computer science and robotics.


According to the goals of the State Program of Education and Science Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 «Increasing global competitiveness of Kazakhstan education and science, education and training of personality based on universal human values» the project «University + school = quality specialist» was recommended to enhance all-round practical development of the university.


The memorandum proposed the implementation of the projects «University + School = Qualitative Specialist» and «Future Educator». These projects are aimed at the development of secondary education, schools of 3 directions from the subordinate schools will be identified and the weaknesses of the identified schools will be analyzed. A working group will be created on the part of the university; development work will be carried out in each direction of the school.