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The book of the Kazakh scientist was published in the Kyrgyz language


The second edition of the book by the professor of the Department of World History of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU, Doctor of Historical Sciences Makhaeva Aitkul «Cossack-Kyrgyz taryhynan (XVIII kilymdyn ekinci zharymy - XX kilymdyn bashi)» was published in Bishkek in Kyrgyz. The 400-page monograph published by Print-Express is devoted to the history of relations between two fraternal peoples - Kazakh and Kyrgyz in the second half of the XVIII early XX centuries.


The second edition of Makhaeva Aitkul`s monograph, addressed to the readership, also contributes to strengthening creative ties between scientists of the Turkic peoples and introduces researchers to the fateful fraternal Kazakh-Kyrgyz history.

