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Dear compatriots!

Dear colleagues and students!


I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a special and important holiday for our country! This day is a evidence of our history and our aspiration for today`s success. 33 years ago on this very day was adopted a declaration and approved state symbols proclaiming the sovereignty of the country, its territory and independence. It was this historical moment that allowed our blue flag to develop in the sky. We are proud of the achievements of our native land, its aspiration for development, peace and prosperity. The country continues to develop dynamically in all spheres, including education.

The flagship of national education - Abai KazNPU - takes great responsibility in training future leaders and teaching staff, who determine the future of our country, capable of overcoming any challenges of time.

Dear colleagues!

May Abai University contribute to the prosperity of our beloved homeland - Kazakhstan, achieve high performance in the field of education and science of our country. I wish everyone good health, happiness and well-being to your families. May your efforts to develop and improve independent Kazakhstan be fruitful, and all your endeavours be successful!


With best wishes,
Chairman of the Board-Rector Bolat Tlep