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Solemn presentation of the commemorative badge and certificate of QS World University Rankings-2024 at Abai University




On November 16, 2023, an important event took place at Abai University - the presentation of a commemorative badge and certificate to the best universities in the country, which took high positions in the international QS World University Rankings-2024.


The solemn ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tlep, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board-Rector of L.N.Gumilyov ENU Yerlan Sydykov, President and founder of QS Quacquarelli Symonds Nunzio Quacquarelli, freelance adviser to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Fatima Zhakypova, rectors of universities of our country and representatives of the educational sphere.


Yerlan Sydykov noted the importance of the participation of domestic universities in international rankings, stressing that this indicates their readiness to integrate into the global academic environment. He noted that the ratings are not only an indicator of progress, but also play a key role in strengthening partnerships between educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and leading foreign universities.


Rector of Abai University Bolat Tlep noted the importance of universities` participation in international rankings and highlighted the achievements of the country`s first university. He stressed that the international ratings of Abai University expand opportunities to attract foreign students and teachers, develop scientific partnerships and contacts with leading universities in the world, and improve the quality of education and research.


The founder of QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Nunzio Quacquarelli, presented the results of Kazakhstani universities in the ranking of the best universities in Asia QS World University Rankings 2024, which again emphasized the importance of the achievements of domestic universities in the global arena of higher education. He spoke in detail about the methodology of QS World University Rankings, covering the geography of the assessment, made an analysis of the results on key indicators: academic reputation, educational environment, scientific achievements, academic mobility and positioning of universities.


During the event, the contribution and systematic support measures provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in improving positions in world rankings were noted. Cooperation between universities, exchange of experience and scientific publications play an important role in this direction. The financing of scientific research provides a unique opportunity to improve the world status and development of science, contributes to the increase of human capital. There was also a significant increase in the participation of regional universities in world rankings, their role in the overall development of higher education.


At the end of the event, awards were presented to the rectors of 21 higher educational institutions of the country - participants of the QS World University Rankings 2024 for outstanding achievements in the field of education and research.

















