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The lesson-reflections "Zhurek tilimen", dedicated to the spiritual legacies of Abai

On February 15, 2024, with the assistance of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, in the moral and spiritual directions of the Meirim club under the leadership of associate Professor Shirinbaeva Gulbakhira, volunteer students Koshanai Merey, Ergeshova Alsu, Nazarbek Akbota, Rystai Alina, Imanmadinova Zhadyr, Mukan Zhamila, Duzbayeva Nurayim, Ziyabek Tansholpan held a lesson-reflection "Zhurek tilimen", dedicated to the legacies of the great Kazakh poet and thinker Abai Kunanbayev.

The main purpose of the event is a deep understanding of the essence of Abai`s spiritual heritage and following his instructions in life, which contributes to the realization of the potential of selfless service to the society of youth, inspiring by his example of humanity.

The main task of the reflection lesson is to strengthen the high moral values promoted by Abai in the minds of young people.

During the event, volunteer students discussed by reading an excerpt from the poem "Zhurekte kayrat bolmas", which Abai wrote while philosophically reflecting on the heart. To understand the main idea in the text, they exchanged opinions with each other in the "question-answer-key idea" method.

The students also worked on group creative work, guided by Abai`s quote "Zhureginnin tubine teren boila, Men bir zhumbak adammyn, ony da oila". We conducted game exercises on a moral topic using the "From heart to heart" method.

The methods of reflection used helped the students to reveal the deepest spiritual essence of Abai`s legacy, to summarize key thoughts.

At the end, the participants of the event shared with each other the positive impressions they had experienced at this moment of the lesson-reflection.





