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Results of the tournament on Abay Cup "Zhastar - el Bolashagy"


Inter-institute tournament for Abay Cup "Zhastar - el Bolashagy" organised by IPK "Tizgin" Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abay KazNPU was held. From our university 10 factions were selected, five resolutions were issued. The curtain of the game was opened by the Vice-Rector for Social Development of the university Maksat Zhakau, who shared his experience in debates. Active students of our university came to judge the tournament. Throughout the event, thanks to their intelligence and knowledge, the three factions that showed the best game won prizes, and the other factions received valuable prizes.


As a result, the 1st place was won by the "Shynn" faction; the 2nd place was won by the "Padishah" faction; the 3rd place was won by the "Pihses" faction.



