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Khvedelidze Teimuraz Bichikoyevich



Born, graduated from school in Karaganda. Higher education institution (Abylay khan Kazgumoimya), KazGUA, postgraduate course, defense of candidate`s thesis on jurisprudence, work in higher education institutions of Almaty. Work in KazNPU - since 2014. I have about 60 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay khan      

International Tourism Manager


Kazakh University of Humanities and Law




Kazakh University of Humanities and Law

Postgraduate school




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

PhD in law

Criminal procedure, forensics, operatively-search activity



TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Bachelor`s Degree: Criminalistics, Forensic Science, Basics of Operations and Investigation, Criminal Statistics, Advocacy, Anti-Corruption Education - teaching in Russian and English

In magistracy: Methodology of modern forensic research, Modern expert researches.


STUDY ACTIVITIES - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Participated in the development of three research topics funded from the state budget. Currently works in the research group on development of the international project "Research on actual directions in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Has about 60 published works, including: 1 monograph, 14 - in journals recommended by the CoCSON, 8 educational and methodical manuals.

Two articles have been published in the publications included in the Scopus science base: ForeignExperienceofFormationofAnti-Corruptionstrategies //International Journal of Enviromental and Science Education. - 06.09.2016. - P.15. (Scopus). Corruption in Russian Law Enforcement // Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 2020.- March/ - Pp/117-134/ (Scopus).


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant). 5 scientific-methodical works were published: 1.Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Part General: Educational and methodical manual.  - Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2015. - - 182 с. 2. Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Part Special: Educational and methodical manual. Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2015 - 186 p.; 3. Қазақстан Respublikandagy Kylmystik Process: Zhalpy бөлім: Oku-adistemelik құралы - Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2015, 182 p.; 4. Қазақстан Respublikandagy Kylmystik Process: Erekshe бөлім: Oku-adistemelik құралы - Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2015. 182 p.. - 186 p.; 5. Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: course of lectures: educational and methodical manual. - Almaty: Zheti zhargi, 2016. - - 384 с. (in Russian and Kazakh languages).


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