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   Главная / Koshpenbetov Bakhytkali Mukhtarovich

Koshpenbetov Bakhytkali Mukhtarovich



AUTOBIOGRAPHY: He was born and graduated from school in Zhambyl region. He entered the Taldykorgan law school and received a specialized secondary legal education. He worked as a lawyer in the Zhualy district agro-industrial Association in the Zhambyl region. After that, he entered the al-Farabi Kazakh national University in Almaty, majoring in law, received an academic bachelor`s degree, and then a master`s degree in law. He studied at the post-graduate School and defended his dissertation as a candidate of law. He worked as an assistant, teacher, senior lecturer at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University. He worked at Narkhoz University. Is an associate Professor at Kazakh national pedagogical University.

He has more than 80 published scientific papers, including three textbooks. 3 articles have been published in foreign scientific journals indexed in scientometric databases Scopus. I have a Hirsch index based on Scopus - 1. Combines scientific and pedagogical activities.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Taldykurgan of the law school

Mid-level lawyer


Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi



Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi

Master of law


Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi

Graduate student




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Сandidate of jurisprudence (PhD in law)

12.00.02 - constitutional law; municipal law; administrative law; financial law.




Academic title

Date of award

Academician of the National Law Academy

2020 year



Undergraduate studies: Administrative law; financial law; - in two languages

In the magistracy: Problems of the theory of state and law, Modern problems of the General theory of law, Social and labor guarantees of individual rights, Modern problems of administrative law etc.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - He has more than 80 publications, including: «Administrative responsibility», Textbook. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2014. - 137 p. - (in the state language);

Notary and notarial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Textbook.- Almaty: Otan Publishing house, 2020. - 320 p. (coauth.)

Three articles written by me and published in impact factor journals:  «Childhood Legal Protection in Kazakhstan», Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics . - Volume VIII, Issue 3(27). Fall 2017.- P.714 - 721. (Scopus);

«Fundamental Causes of Information Systems Vulnerability and Their Protection», Journal of Advances in Systems Science and Application(2016) Vol.16 No.4 P.53 - 61(Scopus).

Ensuring social guarantees and human rights for the implementation of the labour legistation of the republic of Kazakhstan, Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita (2020)  No.21 P.315 - 335. (Scopus)


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - More than 10 guidelines have been published. Electronic textbook. «Administrative responsibility», (for University students). - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2014. - 137 p. - (in the state language)


AWARDS: Awarded the jubilee medal «90 years of the Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai» for his contribution to the development of the University, 2018.

In 2020, he was awarded the medal of Kazazakh National University named "yEren enbegi ushin".

In 2021, he was awarded the medal of the East Kazakhstan University named after S.Amanzholov "Abai Kunanbayuly".


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