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The main task is to realize the scientific potential of young scientists

On 8 February 2018, the rector of the University, Professor Takir Balykbaev met with undergraduates and doctoral students.

During the meeting the rector emphasized: «At present, the University pays special attention to strengthening scientific potential, attracting young scientists to large-scale scientific projects, their participation in international research programs, increasing the share of scientific publications of University scientists in international publications of partner universities. The problem of training scientific personnel is becoming more acute today, there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel of a new generation with a high research potential and motivated by scientific innovations. Today I would like to hear from you how you see the realization of those scientific ideas that determine your research. Now it is necessary to bet on young cadres. You are our future, you are future doctors of science, future leaders. We need to know how you develop, what problems you face».

After a brief speech, Takir Ospanovic suggested moving to a dialogue. In the format of direct dialogue, young researchers were able to discuss with the university leadership issues related to the further development of Abai KazNPU, plans to expand support programs and address urgent problems.

In conclusion, the rector of the University noted that the most active undergraduates and doctoral students in the future will be involved in work on major scientific projects and will receive proposals for employment at the University.








Department for Educational, social work and youth policy