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To the results of the scientific mission in the framework of the MES RK project

From 11 to 17 February, within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Dissemination of Kazakhstan`s modernization experience in the countries of foreign East: linguistic and cultural aspects and translation», the head of the department «Eastern philology and translation», Doctor of philological sciences, prof. Knyiaz Mirzoyev in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. During the trip, scheduled meetings were held at the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

According to the order of Rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, one of the priorities during the meetings was the establishment of external cooperation with the universities of the East. A memorandum on the further development of cooperation between universities was developed at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

During the visit of Professor K. Mirzoyev to Azerbaijan in the local newspapers «Politra» and «Әdalәt» two materials were published. Details of the meeting of
K. Mirzoyev with the rector of Azerbaijan State University, prof. J. Jafarov and members of the administration were covered in the newspaper «Politra». A real contribution to the process of mutual interest in cooperation was noted: literally last year KazNPU published a textbook of the Azerbaijani language Azerbaycan dili, jointly developed by two universities, and several textbooks from the Kazakh language were translated in Azerbaijan.

The article about strengthening friendship between nations through the prism of studying literature, published in the newspaper «Әdalәt», it was written by prof. K. Mirzoyev. The article tells about the rich history and culture of the Kazakh people, which has common roots with all Turkic peoples, including Azerbaijan.




Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation