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Lecture about problems of the World Diasporas

Everyone knows that in today`s world of globalization, in terms of multi-ethnic society attaches great importance to issues of state ethnic policy. A special place is occupied by questions of ethnic diasporas in different countries. These issues related to inter-ethnic relations, social cohesion and national unity, directly related to the activity and universities, designed to generate inter-ethnic tolerance among young people.
As part of this goal in the second half of April in the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai was conducted important event by a citizen of Korea, a prominent scientist, doctor of political sciences, professor Mr. Li Chi Wan was gave a series of lectures on the theme "Diasporas of the world and their current problems ".
As the audience at the event, organized by the University, chair of Political Science and socio-philosophical disciplines (Head - Professor Absattarov R.B.), Faculty of History and work with foreign students (dean-professor Zhumagulov B.S.), were invited representatives of administration, departments of the University, young scientists and students.
Before starting the lecture, Professor Absattarov Raushanbek presented the foreign guests. First Vice-Rector of the University, Professor M. Yermaganbetov, warmly welcoming Mr. Li Chi Wan and other foreign guests and he staying at the significance of the event, as well as a brief overview of the work on the creation of the Kazakh model of interethnic and interfaith relations.
Participants with great interest listened the informative lecture of guest and sincerely thanked Mr. Li Chi Wan.


Information Center KazNPU named after Abai.