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KazNPU celebrated Teacher`s Day


On October 2, 2019, the solemn event «Ustazdyк etken zhalykpas ...» in honor of Teacher`s Day was held at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU.

The event was attended by rector Takir Balykbayev, vice-rectors, heads of structural units, teaching staff and students of the university.

Takir Balykbayev congratulated all the teachers on their professional holiday. He noted the achievements of the institutes, their rating indicators for the 2018/2019 academic year and wished the team new successes.

During the event, directors of institutes, department heads, the best teachers and employees were awarded for active participation in the educational, research and educational work of the university. They were awarded letters of appreciation and cash prizes.

And, in honor of the holiday, a concert program was organized with the participation of Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, singer Sulushash Nurmaganbetova, teacher of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports Lyazzat Birimgazina (song «Anazhanim - Anashym»), the dance group «Dara» and talented students of our university.

In conclusion, a coffee break was held.



















Department of public relations