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Kenzhebekova Elmira Polatovna



 She was born on March 24, 1973 in the village of Koksaek, Tolebi district, Turkestan region. Kazakh by nationality. Kazakh is the native language. I speak fluent Russian. German with dictionary. On September 1, 1980, she was admitted to the 1st grade of the comprehensive school named after "March 8" in the village of Koksaek, Tolebi district, Turkestanks region, and in 1990 she graduated from this school with a silver medal.

I have a higher education.

I have more than 80 published scientific papers. I combine scientific and teaching activities.





Graduation Date

KazNU named after Al-Farabi

Specialty "Jurisprudence" qualificationlawyer






Date of issue of diploma






Academic title

Date of award




TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate: Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute for the Protection of Human Rights in Corner Proceedings, Workshop on Drafting Criminal Procedure Documents, Judicial Control in Criminal Procedure - I teach in Kazakh

In the magistracy: the problems of applying angle-procedural laws, problems of protecting human rights in criminal proceedings, problems of applying criminal and criminal-procedural legislation.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Is engaged in the study of topical issues in the field of criminal procedure law and the practical application of procedural law. Has more than 70 scientific publications on research, including 1 monograph ("Problems of proof at the pre-trial stage" - Almaty "Publishing house Otan", 2019. - 137 pages) and one textbook ("Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan").Collection of lectures.Textbook. - Almaty "Zhetizhargy". - 2016. - 442 pages).
Two articles have been published in journals with impact factor: 1) ISSN: 2068-696X DOI of the journal: Quarterly Volume VII Issue 6 (20) Fall 2016, 1503-1511 str; 2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGICAL IT EDUCATION, - 2016, Vol. 11, NO. 15, 8507 - 8516.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). I have more than 10 educational publications. Among them there are 4 teaching aids (3 in printed form, 1 electronic textbook); 1. (Criminal procedure law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.General part. (In the form of a diagram) Study guide. - Almaty "Institute of Economics and Law of KazNPU named after Abai. - 2014. - 182 pages); 2."Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The special part. Educational - methodical manual. - (In the form of a diagram). - Almaty "Institute of Economics and Law KazNPU named after Abay. - 2014. - 322 pages); 3.("Criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.General part. Scheme: Textbook. Revised and revised 2nd edition.- Almaty:" KazNPU named after Abai. - 2018. - Page 182.)).
Electronic textbook."Criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.A common part. In diagrams: Textbook. Completed and revised 2nd edition. - Almaty: "KazNPU named after Abay ". - 2018 .--182 p.)


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