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Smanov Bakhtiyar Urisbaevich


Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor KazNPU named after Abai, academic of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of pedagogical education (Russia), International Aitmatova Academy (Kyrgyz Republic), editor of the journal "Vestnik KazNPU named after Abai Series "Philological Sciences", member of the Union of writers and Union of journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the editorial Board of the journal`s "Kazakh language and literature", "Mugalym" (Kyrgyz Republic).



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Al-Farabi Kazakh national University



he studied at the graduate School of the Institute of pedagogical Sciences named after Y. Altynsarin and at the Higher courses of the Institute for advanced training of managers Of the Academy of pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

Postgraduate School






KazNPU named after Abai`s





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of pedagogical Sciences

humanitarian science


Doctor of pedagogical Sciences

humanitarian science


Academician of NAS RK

humanitarian science




Academic title

Date of award

Associate Professor




Academicianof NAS RK



TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

In the magistracy: Theory of the artistic image; Novel tendencies in literary studies.

In doctoral studies: Verbal author`s literature; Methods of scientific research.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - Currently, academician B.U. Smanov is a Professor at the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S.S. Kirabayev.

He is the author of about 450 scientific papers (including 9 monographs, 15 textbooks and teaching AIDS).

The Problem Of Elimination Of Illiteracy By Writing Textbooks In The Steppe// Estarevistafueeditadaenformato digital por el personal de la Oficina de Publicaciones Científicas de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del Zulia.  Журнал Венесуела (скопус) 88 (2019): Page 543-566 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe:2477-9385. Problems of Humanism in M.Auezov`s Stories// Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems,Vol. 11, No. 5, 2019. ISSN 1943-023X 401 Received: 18 Mar 2019/Accepted: 17 Apr 2019. Page 401-408. Журнал Англия (скопус)


AWARDS Academic B.U. Smanov - "Excellent of national education of the Kazakh SSR", awarded the medals of I. Altynsarin, S. Kadyshev (TURKSOY), "20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan", "for valiant labor" and badges, "Kazakhstan Respublikasymadeniyetsalasynuzdigi", "Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "for services to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", winner of the International prize named after him. ZhambylZhabayev. He was also awarded the honorary title "Ultkairatkeri" for his valiant work.


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