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Raeva Arailim Nurakhmetovna


She graduated from school in the city of Usharal, Alakol district, Almaty region. She graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies, KazNU named after Al Farabi, bachelor and master of philology. Then she worked at school №36 in Almaty and KazNPU named after Abai, in recent years she worked at the Military Institute of the Ground Forces.
She has more than 15 published scientific works. Combines scientific and teaching activities.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

KazNU named after Al-Farabi

Bachelor, Orientalist-Philologist, Teacher of Chinese Language and Literature


KazNU named after Al-Farabi
Master, Kazakh Language and Literature.




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Master, Kazakh Language and Literature.
Philological Sciences




Undergraduate studies: Fundamentals of the theory of the target language (Chinese), country studies (Chinese), intercultural communication (Chinese), basic oriental language in the context of intercultural communication (Chinese), a workshop on the culture of speech (Chinese), second foreign language (level A1A2) (Chinese ), second foreign language (level B1B2) (Chinese), practical phonetics (Chinese) - bilingual.
- in two languages

In the magistracy: Language for Academic Purposes.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant)

She deals with issues related to the grammar of the Chinese language, the teaching of the Chinese language. She has over 15 publications, including «Қытай және ағылшын тілдерінде ауызша және жазбаша түрде сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Uzakbaeva S.A. "Modernization of the education system: trends, problems and prospects." Scientific and Practical Conference. October 18, 2019 Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan. 2. «Қытай тіліндегі мөлшер сөздерді айқындайтын үстеулердің ерекшеліктері». Military Institute of the Land Forces, Bulletin, 2018.Хабаршы , 3. «Қару-жарақ және техника саласындағы әскери терминологияны оқыту негізінде курсанттардың кәсіби құзіреттілігін қалыптастыру» (қытай тілі бойынша Military Institute of the Land Forces, Хабаршы, 2019.4.«Қазақ және қытай тіліндегі қашықтық ұғымдарына салғастырмалы талдау», International scientific-theoretical conference "Modern Philological Sciences". May 28-29, 2013. Abay. Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Master`s degree.


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