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Substantial aspects of training in special pedagogy were discussed




On February 14, 2020, at the initiative of the MES of RK, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, an extraordinary meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association (Project Management Group) in the field of education «Pedagogical Sciences» of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council on the topic «Substantial aspects of training in special pedagogy» was held.

Representatives of the MES of RK, universities, non-governmental organizations, special (correctional) educational organizations, attended the event. During their meeting, an exhibition of educational-methodical and scientific works of the teaching staff of Abai KazNPU in the direction of training specialists «Special Pedagogy» and inclusive education was organized.

The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by the rector of Abai KazNPU T. Balykbaуev, deputy director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Narbekova.

Then, the presentations were made by the head of the department of Special Pedagogy A.Autayeva («Practice and prospects for the implementation of educational programs in the field of training specialists in special pedagogy at Abai KazNPU»), the head of the department of Social and Special Pedagogy of the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University G. Orazayeva («Problems and prospects of training specialists in special pedagogy at the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University»), coordinator and curator of the project «Every child is worthy of school" of the «Bolashak» corporate foundation Zh. Iskandirova, Zh. Kalieva («The role of applied behavior analysis in working with children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere»), president of the «Ashyk Alem" Public Fund A. Arkharova ("Actual problems of professional education defectologists»), director of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Corrective Pedagogy G. Abayev («Analysis of the accessibility of the educational environment for people with disabilities in universities»).

Having listened to the reports, the participants in the meeting took an active part in the discussion of the substantive aspects of training specialists in special pedagogy, recommendations were developed taking into account all constructive proposals.