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Online closing of the relay «Abai-dana, Abai-dara кazakta»


On April 16, 2020, at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU, the relay race «Abai-dana, Abai-dara кazakta» was held in honor of the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet and thinker Abai.

Initiators of the webinar are the deputy director for educational work Manapov Nurlan and the organization of student self-government.

The opening speech was made by the vice-rector for educational work and social development of Abai KazNPU Іshpekbayev Zhanatbek; Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Kaimuldinova Kulyash; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Veterans, holder of the Order of Honor, Professor Shildebaev Zhumadil.

The guests of the webinar are Zhumagulova Kalampyr, Deputy Director for Science and International Relations; Demeuova Lyazat, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; Bekbenbetova Kazyna, Deputy Director of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy; Head of the chair of Chemistry Mukatayeva Zhazira; Head of the chair of Biology Zhaksybaev Murat; Head of the chair of Geography, Ecology and Tourism Tilekova Zhanna and teachers of the institute.

The online event was attended by Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Ecology and Tourism Kaster Sarkytkhan; Associate Professor of the Department of Biology Musaev Kuandyk; Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology Dzhunusova Raushan; Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor Unerbayeva Zulfiya; Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology Saimova Rita; Lecturer, Department of Biology Bakirov Serik; teachers of the Biology Department Imangazy Anar, Uldakhan Shyngys and students of 1-4 courses of the institute.

The relay race showed that the legacy of the great Abai does not lose its significance, but, on the contrary, the verses of Abai are revived in a new way, and it established a great impression among students and teachers.

At the end of the event, the deputy director for educational work Manapov Nurlan thanked all the guests and participants.






Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography