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Online meeting of the department «Distance learning as a step in improving the education system»


Head of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kyakbayeva Ulbosyn together with the teaching staff held a meeting in an online format about the process of distance learning.

The issues of pedagogical design of online lessons and educational platforms used by teachers in distance learning were analyzed. Video lectures, webinars, and feedbacks are created on Zoom, Hangouts, Skype, Univer, LMS MOODLE, Google classroom, Webex, and Microsoft Teams platforms and services. The possibilities and effectiveness of these services were analyzed, and the experience of teachers was discussed.

Further, such issues as preparation for the publication of textbooks, textbooks, monographs and guidelines; Approval of examination tickets for full-time and part-time education, preparation of test and written examination questions; Preliminary defense of theses, master`s theses, doctoral theses in online format, preparation for the state exam and other issues.

The head of the department also noted that students and undergraduates living in remote regions who have poor Internet support or do not have access to connect online need to show all the possibilities so that they can get a full education and ensure full participation in the spring session. The University, for its part, will provide support and understanding.

During the meeting, to support students studying on a fee-based basis, it was noted that the term of payment for studies has been extended until the end of May, and also thanked the adviser and teachers for holding various online video lectures, webinars, educational hours in spite of such an emergency. In addition, other issues were discussed.






Chair of preschool education and social pedagogy