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Online meeting with journalists on the theme «Difficult paths on the information front»


On April 22, 2020 at 16.00, the faculty of the Department of biology of the Institute of natural science and geography, members of the student government Council and active students held a meeting with journalists on the theme: «Difficult paths on the information front».

The meeting was attended by Marzhan Kokisheva - a news anchor for «Almaty» TV channel, Kozhabek Rishat- head of the information agency «Azattyk ruhy» in Almaty, journalist and Danesh Baybolatov, an editor of the Eurasia First channel, and a head of «Zan soilesin» program.

The meeting was opened by the director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Kulyash Kaymuldinova.

Students asked various questions, guests noted interesting and difficult ways of the journalistic profession. The evening was very interesting, students were able to learn something new for themselves.

The 2nd year student Gani Baimukhat performed the kui, her classmate Ayzhamal Seisenbina performed the song «Deisin», and Kyzzhibek Yerkebayeva presented the song «Journalistke arnau» to the guests.

Deputy Director for educational work of the Institute of natural science and geography Nurlan Manapov and head of the Department of biology Murat Zhaksybayev thanked the guests and organizers of the event.

We wish the journalists loyalty to their work, family happiness and creative success.












Chair of «Biology»