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The implementation of dual education in Abai KazNPU


Today, Abai KazNPU is the first higher educational institution in the country with a 90-year history, and in the future the leader of teacher education in the post-Soviet space, a forge of 21st century teachers. Transforming the results of advanced research in the field of pedagogy, teaching methods and teaching technologies into the best educational programs, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, the university is becoming a powerful driver of development of the RK.

Currently, the demand for young professionals is very high, in accordance with modern realities and the needs of the economy. The quality and accessibility of education is a key factor in a country`s competitiveness.

In the training of highly qualified personnel, the dual training system has already received worldwide recognition. In Kazakhstan, the process of introducing dual education into education has been going on for several years, which makes it possible to ensure a high percentage of employment for university graduates, since they fully meet the requirements of the employer.

The dual system allows you to combine theoretical and practical training in the educational process. Simultaneously with studies, students master their chosen profession directly in the workplace. The alternation of practice and theory takes place throughout the entire learning process.

To prepare pedagogical staff of the 21st century, Abai KazNPU, in particular, the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, implemented elements of dual learning into teaching practice. So, graduate students in the specialty «5B011200-Chemistry» from September 16, 2019 to April 20, 2020, underwent on-the -Job-Training Practice. The internship period is included in the length of service, which provides for optimal employment conditions.




Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography