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Webinar «Research culture of a young scientist»


On May 10, 2020, the Department of preschool education and social pedagogy at the Institute of pedagogy and psychology, on the ZOOM platform, held a webinar on the topic «Research culture of a young scientist».

The goal - the development of the research culture of novice scientists, undergraduates and doctoral students.

The event was attended by Vice-rector for research and international cooperation Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, Director of the Department of science Sayabek Sakhiev, head of the Department of research and innovation Gulzada Baimbetova, head of the Department Ulbosyn Kyyakbayeva, as well as the teaching staff of the University and the Department, as well as students, undergraduates, doctoral students, young scientists, teachers of Shakarim State University (Semey), Korkyt-Ata Kyzylorda state University, Pavlodar state pedagogical University, E. Buketov Karaganda state University, G. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau state University.

Associate Professor Ulbosyn Kyyakbayeva and acting associate Professor Assem Bulshekbayeva moderated the webinar.

The speaker of the webinar, Professor of the al-Farabi KazNU Sharkul Taubayeva, touched upon the most important problems of developing the research culture of a young scientist. The leading scientist in the field of philosophy and methodology of pedagogy analyzed the entire process of scientific research, from the idea to the model and the result of research activities.

Currently, in accordance with the requirements of the society, a new direction of research work of future teachers in pedagogical universities is being implemented. The teacher`s possession of research skills allows him to take a new look at his research activities, achieve positive changes in the educational process, and allow the teacher to master new ways, methods and new technologies. The research work of a teacher becomes an important tool for improving the educational process at school. In this regard, Sharkul Taubayeva answered the questions of young scientists, shared her professional and research experience, and recommended important tips on the effectiveness of research work. Academic literacy was also discussed.

At the same time, the speaker provided informative information on the systematization and classification of works of scientists on the formation of research culture of teachers, and recommended them to young scientists.

During the webinar, young scientists asked the speaker Sharkul Taubayeva questions about the methodology and methodology of scientific and pedagogical research, where they received meaningful answers, shared their views, which turned into a discussion.

The head of the Department of preschool education and social pedagogy Ulbosyn Kyyakbayeva summed up the results of the webinar. She called such meetings very useful for all parties.








Chair of preschool education and social pedagogy