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Creation of joint modules in educational programs for training future teachers


On May 11, 2020, a meeting of the international working group «Creation of joint modules in educational programs for training future teachers» was held at the Laboratory of Applied Research and Teaching Physics of the Department of Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics.


The event was attended by:first Vice-rector of Abai KazNPU Bektemisov M. A., head of Department of physics of Abai KazNPU Professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Kosov V. N., Deputy Director of the academic Department of IMFI pf Abai KazNPU Professor Khamrayev sh. I., Dr. PhD Kenzhegalieva M., (University of Leipzig, Germany), Ph. D., Professor Zhelvis Rimantas (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Ph. D., Professor Grishaeva Yu. M., (Moscow state regional University, Russia), Ph. D., Professor Yanovskaya O. A. (NAAR, Kazakhstan), Ph. D., Spanova G. A. (KazNU, Kazakhstan), PhD Nasirova D. M. (KazNU, Kazakhstan), Professor and medusine scientists of KazNTU, Kazngu, KSU (Karaganda), ZhSU (Taldy-Korgan), wksu (Uralsk), ARSU (Aktobe), teachers of the physics Department of Abai KazNPU.


M.A. Bektemisov, noting the importance of the raised topic, opened the webinar. Kosov V.N., wishing fruitful work and creative success to those present, noted that the main purpose of the meeting is to exchange views and professionally evaluate the studies that are carried out in the research teams presented at the university meeting.


In the presentations, it was noted that teaching physics at school is traditionally associated with practical training, the introduction of innovative methods that involve the translation of information that the student will use in the future to achieve success. It is very important that a teacher, especially a graduate of pedagogical universities, has a set of knowledge, skills, competencies and techniques that will allow him to be a key figure in the educational process. In this regard, it is necessary to unify the educational programs of partner universities. At the meeting, the joint work on creating joint educational modules on EP for future physics teachers with the University of Leipzig was presented.


Summing up the meeting of the international working group, Kosov V. N. drew attention to the relevance of such meetings, which are important in the organization of the educational process, as well as joint international cooperation. The participants of the meeting expressed their gratitude to each other and wished them success in their work.








Chair of physics