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Online seminar «On the road of integrity»

On May 20, 2020, at Abai KazNPU, on the initiative of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, the Center «Parasat» and the Committee on Youth Affairs, an online seminar «On the road of integrity» was organized. The event was dedicated to the prevention of corruption in the education system.

The rector Takir Balykbayev, talking about the large-scale anti-corruption work, opened the seminar. «In order to prevent corruption, the University established an Anti-corruption Council, adopted the Concept of anti-corruption policy, approved the Council Rules, «Road Map», «Standards». Currently, the Council has three commissions. On October 7, 2019, the Parasat Center was opened. The quality management system of the international standard ISO 37001-2016 was implemented. In order to create an open university platform, the heading «Rector`s Blog» is constantly working. In order to ensure the effective conduct of the spring exam session in the process of distance learning online testing, scoring system «OES», which allows you to monitor the test or exam in online mode, cloud service G-Suit, video conferencing platform «Hangouts Meet» have been implemented, - the rector emphasized. He listed a number of activities conducted among young people to build honesty and integrity.

The speaker of the seminar, the head of the republican project office «Sanaly Urpak» Kaiyrzhan Tokushev made a report «Prevention of corruption: problems and solutions», identifying mechanisms and ways to prevent corruption in the education system. He proposed a number of measures to eliminate corruption in industry institutions and to create an enabling environment that is intolerant of corruption. The speaker also emphasized the importance of anti-corruption measures implemented at the university, and suggested introducing the experience of the Abai KazNPU in the country`s universities.

The seminar participants - Maktagali Bektemesov, First Vice-Rector of the University, Zhanatbek Ishpekbaev, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Development, Kambar Usipov, Director of the Center «Parasat», spoke about the anti-corruption legal framework, shared their views on reducing corruption risks in the educational environment and creating an anti-corruption culture among youth.

In turn, the Director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, the main coordinator of the «Accelerator of Goodness» volunteer movement Ainur Sabitova spoke about the scale of the project, which operates in 17 regions of the country.

The chairman of the Student Alliance of Almaty, Zhasulan Kuandyk, reported on ongoing work with young people to create zero tolerance for corruption and delinquency. The head of the Career Center «Mansap», Rakhimberdy Zhetybai, spoke about effective employment measures for university graduates and presented the Mansap mobile application to help them.

Speaking on behalf of the university`s youth, a first-year student at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, Aisana Takhayeva, said that she would personally contribute to the fight against corruption, and urged young people to adhere to the principles of academic honesty.

At the end of the seminar, the chairman of the University`s Youth Committee, moderator of the event, Didarbek Dildabek urged young people to actively resist corruption and to contribute in every way to the formation of a respectable and honest society.