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Director of the Institute of History and Law of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University participated in the round table "Sovereign Kazakhstan - 25 years: problems and results of development", which was took place at the Altai State University (Russian Federation)


On March 17-18, 2016 at the Altai State University took place II Student Congress of the peoples of Central Asia, dedicated to the traditional holiday Nauryz. Nauryz is known to celebrate Turkic and Persian peoples of the East during the spring equinox.
The holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new calendar year, update the awakening forces of nature and man. In the days of Nauryz festivities are held, traditional sports and games, poetry and song contests.

It was held Interuniversity Olympiad in the history of Russia and Kazakhstan for students - citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan studying in universities of the Altai Territory and Dosmuratova Bagila Ashimovna took 1st place. Dosmuratova Bagila is a graduator of the History faculty of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, currently enrolled in the first year master`s degree of the Altai State University.

II Student Congress of the peoples of Central Asia, which took place in Altai State University, provided quite a varied program of activities of scientific, educational, cultural and sporting plan. One of them was a on-line round table "Sovereign Kazakhstan - 25 years: problems and results of development ". The initiator of the roundtable were the Altai branch of the Russian Historical Society and Honorary Chair of "Kazakhstan`s path and Nursultan Nazarbayev", which is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of History of the Altai State University.
The subjects of the round table was connected with the events of twenty-five years ago that led to the disintegration of the USSR and the formation of the former Soviet Union 15 independent states. Before the political elites of the former Soviet republics got a whole range of problems, from the successful solution of which depended on the final outcome of the political and socio-economic modernization, integration into the world community of new formations. Kazakhstan`s experience in the construction of its own sovereignty model, the challenges that faced the country in the process and the results of 25 years of development were discussed at the round table.
Partners in a round table on-line "Sovereign Kazakhstan - 25 years: problems and results of development" made by the D.Serikbayev East - Kazakhstan State Technical University , "House of Friendship - the center of public consent" of Akim of East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the round table a discussion on the modernization and evolution of the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the mechanisms of economic development of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization and the world economic crisis. Considerable attention was paid to the ethno-cultural and religious processes, formation of civic and ethnic identity in the system of maintaining social and national security of the sovereign Kazakhstan. Several roundtable report was devoted to the integration of Kazakhstan into the world community and its role in global and regional policy processes.
The roundtable was attended by representatives of the authorities and the national cultural centers of the Altai Territory and the city of Barnaul, the Altai Territory, scientists, students, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan studying in the universities of the region. Zhumagulov Bolat Sagidollaevich, director of the Institute of History and Law of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University made a welcoming speech to the participants of the round table, in which he conveyed greetings from the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Professor S.Zh.Praliyev and he expressed great gratitude for the fruitful cooperation between our universities. Also Zhumagulov B.S. made a report on theme: "Ethno-cultural situation in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects".
The scientific event was attended by members of D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alekseenko Alexander, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor Krasnobayeva Nelli L., Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor Aidarbayeva Raushan K.