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Students of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics visited Lake Kolsai


On 11 October 2020, under the guidance of Jasulan Mukhashev, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, and representatives of the student government organisation, an excursion to one of the most beautiful places in Almaty - Kolsai Lake was held.

The natural attraction was visited by the Institute`s teachers and 1st and 4th year students living in Almaty. The total number of students was 70.

The main purpose of this trip is to introduce students to their native nature, introduce them to environmental protection, and promote healthy and active recreation. As the organisers of the event noted, the goal has been achieved. The students were very satisfied with the trip and had a wonderful rest in the fresh air. Having witnessed the amazing phenomenon of nature, they enthusiastically shared their impressions and expressed their desire to continue such events.