20.10.2020 Master class "Sustainable relationships of partners"
On October 16, 2020, within the framework of the International Days of the ERASMUS + program, was held the online webinar with the participation of practicing psychologists of Kazakhstan. The organizer of the webinar was the International Programs and Cooperation Office of the Department for International Cooperation of Abai KazNPU, host of the event - Bayan Sapargaliyeva, the Head. The webinar speakers Zhasulan and Zhanna Seitkaliyevs are the founders of the Academy of Personal Development, members of the European Association for Transactional Analysis. Speakers at the webinar were reveal the topic of the successful work of partners in a project team.
Speakers at the webinar were held an interactive master class, a discussion with webinar participants on how to successfully work with partners in a project team, how to work in a team, how to be successful at work and at home: in the family, with their children and with colleagues. Psychologists gave some practical advice on basic situations at home and at work.
Summing up the results of the online meeting, it can be noted that the degree of involvement of staff teachers in team work has a huge role, this is how the quality of education, the general atmosphere in the team and in working with partners is assessed.
Of course, the reaction to any life situation is a matter of the person`s choice. Teamwork, in collaboration with partners, your positive, your personal attitude helps you tune in to a fruitful working day, regardless of any situation.
At the same time, getting an education in the interaction of the collective with each other extends to the knowledge of the student. Relationships are the independent value of education. Human life is the construction of systems of relationships, which he constantly improves. We already know that people with a higher level of formal education adapt better in life, their relationship capital is just as important as knowledge of the subject, which explains their further success in life.
Now the relationship between people is important, which affects health and long life, because we spend most of our life at work, work, the team is a second family, we come home and bring everything that we have "worked out" during the day, namely psychological we bring our mood home and all this affects family relationships.
Psychologists investigate the nature of human behavior, help to sort out their feelings and emotions, take a step towards achieving inner harmony and satisfying their own ambitions.
For example, at an online webinar, we heard advice: how to learn and how to correctly prioritize, tune in to creative interaction, understand yourself and significantly increase personal effectiveness.
The webinar was held in a warm atmosphere, about 50 participants of the webinar from universities of Kazakhstan: Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University, Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Taraz State University, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Central Asian University, Almaty Technological University, Astana University, Civil Aviation Academy, Narxoz University and Abai KazNPU expressed their gratitude to the speakers for an interesting and important topic for discussion these days.
We will invite our leading psychologists to events that are significant for the university, so that experts share their experience and direct the relationship between us, people, partners, colleagues, and friends into a positive one.
International Cooperation Department