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11-13 April 2016 took place "Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B011300 - Biology within the walls of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute ".
Team "Alatau" of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University team won honorable III place.
Team members :
Shakarbek Assem - 4 year course student;
Abіltaeva Asem - 3rd year course student;
Bostanov Anar - 3rd year course student
Head of the team - Associate Professor of the Chair of Botany and General Biology, candidaye of biological science- Musayev Kuandik Lebekovich


CERTICATES of the team "Alatau"



Grand  opening of the subject Olympiad

3 Тour

Honarable  III place

Director of the Institute K.D. Kaimuldinova congratilates the team