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Congratulations to A.S.Mukasheva on her jubilee

October 30, 2020, Aisha Mukasheva, Professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and translation of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, celebrated her 70th birthday.

Vice-rector for academic Affairs of Abai KazNPU Professor Asan Satmyrzaev, Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education Alua Tanzharikova, honorary head of the Department of Oriental Philology and translation, doctor of Philology, Professor Knyaz Mirzoev and head of the Department of Oriental Philology and translation, Ph. D., Professor of the University Abdrakhmanova Kulsun Khalykovna made congratulatory speeches.

Professor Asan Satmurzaev, Vice-rector for academic Affairs of the University, called Aisha Mukasheva an expert in her field, a professional in the field of pedagogy, noting that for decades she worked tirelessly, educating dozens of master`s and doctoral students.Professor Asan Satmyrzaev presented a letter of Gratitude on behalf of the rector of the University, Professor Takir Balykbayev in a solemn ceremony.

Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Alua Tanzharikova noted that Aisha Serikovna is one of the teachers of the older generation who cooperate with the Institute, transmits the spirit of pedagogy and authentic education to her team, the Institute end presented a beautiful bouquet of flowers to a respected Professor of the University. Professor Knyaz Mirzoev, in his speech, proudly stressed that he worked for decades alongside Aisha Serikovna for the benefit of the common cause, and was always proud of his colleague.

Kulsun Halykovna expressed sincere gratitude to Aisha Serikovna on behalf of the Department staff, on behalf of students and undergraduates, said that today`s event was organized at the University level for a reason. Teachers like Aisha Serikovna deserve such respect, and they always remain a teacher for the Department staff.

The solemn event was held online, but all the participants, including honoured guests of the department, were able to express all their warm wishes to A. Mukasheva.






Department of Oriental Philology and translation