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On April 13, 2016 on the basis of Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafyev (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), Lesosibirsk pedagogical institute - branch of Siberian federal university (Lesosibirsk, Russia) and a number of schools of Almaty, Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk and Achinsk as well as with the participation of IT-business representatives a final Mega-lesson was conducted within international educational cluster.
The subject and goals of the Mega-lesson - training pupils programming game programs, training students, magistrands of higher education institutions of technology of conducting Mega-lessons and mastering the roles of distance tutors, improving skills of teachers in the sphere of network and cloud technology, a collaborate research of HEIs educators and implementation of their ideas for the development of education of the future.
The leading moderator of the Mega-lesson is 2 course magistrand of KSPU named after V.P. Astafyev Sorokin A.N.
The main expert of game programs is candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, associate professor of basic chair of computer science and information technology in education of KSPU named after V.P. Astafyev Romanov D.V.
Coordinator from Kazakhstan is 2 course doctoral student of «6D011100-computer science» specialty of computer science and informatization of education chair of KazNPU named after Abai Akkassynova Zh.K.
Pupils have been formed in working groups to perform their own game programs, among them there has been one international combined group which consists of pupils from different schools. During performing project works pupils have shown great interest, commitment, creativity, responsibility, mobility.
At the final Mega-class representatives of groups gave a talk, demonstrated their works, shared their experiences. Used programming languages and technologies ranged from C and C++ (SFML) to Python (Pygame), C # (Unity), Visual Studio, Visual Basic. The games were interesting and varied genre of platforming to arcade games, puzzles and logic games.



On April 20, 2016 participants of the international educational cluster met to summarize the conducted Mega-lessons. According to the results of experts work pupils of 10th class of specialized gymnasium №12 named after Sh.Ualichanov have won in the following nominations:
- «Modern platform», «The best presentation of the cluster» (Mukhamedkarimov Alisher, Dzhantykov Aydar);
- «Creative decision» (Sman Abylay, Kozhagapanova Zhanel, Murat Erasyl, Ermek Nazerke, Kadyrov Ali);
- «Playing mechanics» (Askar Nazіk, Mukatay Sanzhar, Zhakan Nazerke, Keldibek Zhanserik);
- «Choice of optimal technology» (Toleuov Zhalgas, Bopash Aidana, Zinelov Erniyaz, Kaipova Aruzhan).



The organizers of the Mega-lesson express their sincere gratitude to all participants of the international educational cluster, in particular to the director of the specialized gymnasium №12 named after Sh.Ualichanov Sakenova Rakhima and computer science teacher Mametova Gulnaz for supporting innovative idea of combining educational institutions into one international cluster, in the promotion of its successful functioning and development.