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Mentoring hour «Al Farabi and his spiritual heritage»

On November 4, 2020, Senior Lecturer of the Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy Program of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, 2nd year advisor of the specialty 6В0120- Pre-school education and upbringing Galia Abilbakieva, spent an online mentoring hour «Al Farabi and his spiritual heritage» through the ZOOM platform.

The purpose of the event is to develop students` understanding of Al-Farabi`s work, spiritual heritage and scientific research and in general of his life and creative path.

A 2nd year doctoral student of the specialty 7M 012-Preschool education and upbringing Zh.Mamytbekova, as well as students attended the event. The teaching staff of the department also took an active part, supporting the organisers and students. The moderator was Galiya Abilbakieva. Speaker Israil Akerke spoke about the rich heritage of Al-Farabi and its application in modern sciences.


The informative event showed that al-Farabi`s work has not lost its significance, but on the contrary, the heritage of the great medieval scholar has been modernised in a new direction, which has aroused great interest among students and teachers.