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The role of youth in strengthening interethnic and interfaith relations

On November 26th 2020, Abai KazNPU has hosted a Republican round table on the topic «the role of youth in strengthening interethnic and interfaith relations» which organized by the Department of educational and social work and youth affairs and the Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan online. The rector of University, Professor Takir Balykbayev made an introductory speech. In the national round table was attended by Deputy Director of the Institute of Applied research A. Saduakasova, Deputy Chairman of the Association of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan L. Grovennaya, the Chairman of the Kurdish ethno-cultural Association «Barbang» K. Mirzoev, Deputy head of the Turkish ethnocultural Association «Akhyska» K. Kasimov, Chairman of the Republican youth organization «Zharasim» at ANC T. Zhumarbaev, head of the Secretariat of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city N.Balgimbayev, 4th year student of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Chairman of the «Birlik» Assembly A. Abdushakirov and other guests took part and shared their thoughts and experiences. The event was also attended by representatives of ethnic and cultural associations, public figures, representatives of the Association of departments of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, Directors, Deputy institutes of Abay University, teachers of the Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and members of the student Assembly «Birlik». The total number of listeners from all over the Republic reached 311.