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Open educational hour «Til Omyry, Ult Omyry»

On November 28, 2020, at the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of the Abai KazNPU, organized by 1st year students of the specialty 6В01515-Geography of the 1st group and the group adviser Bakhyt Moldir on the ZOOM platform, an open lesson was held on the topic «Til Omyry, Ult Omyry» (Language life, life of the nation).

The head of educational and social work of the Institute Nurlan Manapov, teaching staff and students attended the event.

«It was only when we gained independence, that we openly started discussing the language issue, which is very important in modern Kazakhstan. Despite various peripetias, the Kazakh language has been preserved, and becoming a state language, has received new development», - N.Manapov said. He stressed that the native language is a noble heritage of ancestors, its preservation is very important for the formation and development of the state.


Scientific and historical facts about development of the Kazakh language were presented and video materials on struggle for its preservation were shown. The open lesson was very emotional; all participants noted the importance of the topic raised.