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Scientific seminar «Directions of the development of functional grammar»

On January 14, 2021, a scheduled scientific seminar was organized by the head of the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S. Kirabayev of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, doctor of philological sciences Ilyasova Nagima, and the specialist of the department, doctor of philological sciences Khalybayeva Kalamkas.

At the scientific seminar, the director of the Institute for the Development of the State Language, candidate of philological sciences Bijomart Seisenbekovich Kapalbek made a report on the topic «Directions of the development of functional linguistics», where he analyzed in detail the studies related to the sphere of functioning of the modern Kazakh language, as well as current problems associated with it.


In addition to doctoral students and undergraduates of the faculty, specialists from Nazarbayev University, Suleiman Demirel University, Al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakh National Women`s teacher training University, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Almaty Institute of Management, Ibrai Altynsarin National Academy of Education, publishing house «Almaty Kitap», teachers of schools and colleges from various regions of the republic also attended the seminar.


During the seminar, such qualified specialists as professor of Nazarbayev University Z.Kuzekova, professor of Al-Farabi KazNU D.Alkebaeva, professors of our department G.Kosymov, Zh.Baltabaeva, shared their views on complex problems of various directions in functional linguistics. The seminar was followed by answers to various questions of interest to the audience of the report.


Then there was an exchange of views and all the questions raised were answered. In conclusion, the head of the department, Nagima Ilyasova, summarised the event by saying that the seminar had achieved its purpose and thanked all the participants.