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Advanced training at the 1st winter translation school

On February 4-5, 2021, teachers (Professor A.K. Zhumabekova, N.O. Shengelbayeva, Senior Lecturer K.K. Ibragimova, Teacher U. Islyamova, A. Nurzhanova), master`s degree students and students of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education became students of the I Winter School of Translation, organized by the Association of Professional Translators and Translation Companies of Kazakhstan and Gumilev Eurasian National University. (on the Zoom platform).

The speakers were well-known Russian translators and translation teachers:
M. Zagot - a member of the Writers` Union of Moscow and the Union of Translators of Russia, a professional simultaneous interpreter and film translator, Professor of the Moscow State Linguistic University with a report «English through Negotiations», E. Malenova - Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Omsk State University with the report "Audiovisual Translation"; N.N. Gavrilenko - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Engineering Academy of the Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, head of the School of Translation Didactics with the report "An integrative model of teaching professionally oriented translation"; O.U. Ivanova - Scientific Director of the Institute of Humanitarian Technologies «Russian New University» with the report «Eternal and transitory in the work of a translator»;M. Stepanova - Associate Professor of the English Language Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with the report «Teaching Interpretation Online: Challenges and Requirements of the Time»; A.N. Malyavina - Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, from Togliatti State University, with the report «Editing vs Post-Editing»; E.V. Alexandrova - Associate Professor of the Murmansk Arctic State University with a report «Fundamentals of Audio Description»; D.I. Troitsky is the director of the TTS technical translation and software development agency, which is included in the Top-100 Russian translation agencies, with his report «Automatization of translator work».

Their titles testified to the relevance of the reports. A big discussion occured, the speakers were asked many questions.

The teachers received a useful information on the content of the training courses, and in the future they will make adjustments to their structure. Students and master`s degree students had a unique opportunity to listen to so many different translation professionals at once, each of whom is the author of his own unique master class.