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Competition "The best Student of the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute -2021"

On March 1, 2021, Institute of pedagogy and psychology of Abai KazNPU, the department of «Organization and support of educational activities» held a competition «The best student -2021» among students of 2-3 courses.

The main goal of the competition is to identify and encourage students of the institute who have actively shown themselves in their studies, the organization of student self-government, sports, creativity and other fields of activity. Active students of our institute attended the competition. Among them are:
1. Alimzhan Shyryn - 3rd year student in the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»;
2. Elmira Dauletkalieva-3rd-year student of the specialty psychology;
3. Zholay Asem - 2nd year student in the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»;
4. Isa Ukilim - 3rd year student in the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»;
5. Kusainova Akmaral - 2nd year student in the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»;
6. Mamazhanova Alua - 2nd-year student of the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»;
7. Myrzayeva Zhansaya - 3rd-year student of the specialty «Psychology»;
8. Pakhradinova Aikerim-2nd year student in the specialty «Preschool education and upbringing»;
9. Sensenbai Indira - 2nd year student of the specialty «Psychology»;
10. Ulaskanova Gulim - 2nd year student of the specialty «Defectology»,
11. Halmakhan Ainur - 3rd-year student of the specialty «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge».

The competition was held in three stages:
Of the 20 students who applied for Stage I of the competition, 11 were elected and admitted to the next stage. The first competition of stage II was a self-presentation on the topic «I am the best student», the second competition was a project «My creative University» (what can I contribute to the further development of our institute in the future?


Stage III was called «Do you know?» and included the following questions:

1. 30 years of RK independence;
2. History of our University;
3. What should a teacher of the 21st century be like?
4. What should a student of the 21st century be like?
5. What should a school teacher of a 21st century be like?


According to the results of the competition, Zhansaya Myrzaeva, a student, was awarded a diploma of the first degree, and she was awarded the title «The best student of IP&P-2021». Diploma of II degree was awarded to student Alimzhan Shyryn.Elmira Dauletkalieva, a student, was awarded the third degree diploma.